Transportation for America’s guiding principles for an infrastructure plan
13 Nov 2017 | Posted by Stephen Lee Davis | 2 Comments | fix-it-first, funding, infrastructure plan, infrastructure principles, policy platform, President Trump, principles, TIGER
As we continue to await either broad principles or specifics of the Trump’s administration much-anticipated infrastructure plan, T4America has released these four simple guiding principles to inform and evaluate any such future plan. It’s past time to elevate the national conversation about infrastructure beyond just the breadth and cost of it. We need an examination of exactly which projects we are investing in and why. Whether the $50 billion we currently spend each year or the $1 trillion originally suggested by the administration, we need to do more than just pour money into the same old system for planning and building transportation projects. America’s current federal transportation program does not bring us the returns we deserve for the sums we invest. There’s far too little accountability for accomplishing anything measurable and tangible with the billions we spend. We urgently need a new way of doing business.